The Definitive Guide
The swimfeeder has become one of the most popular items of fishing tackle in the last decade. Swimfeeders are containers of various designs that can be filled with attractants, feeds, chum or particles.
Open End Swimfeeder
These would include bread crumbs, ground meals, seeds whole or ground, even finely textured meats. Live baits such as maggots, worms, grubs, crawlers and blood worms can be used in swimfeeders, either on their own or incorporated in the meal / chum, provided the correct style of swimfeeder is chosen.
Most swimfeeders incorporate a weight loading of some sort, in order for them to be cast to your chosen range, sink to the bottom and hold in place on the river / lake / sea bed and not be disturbed by any currents or flows.
The whole idea is that you cast accurately to the same spot again and again to form a “catching area”.
Swimfeeders are attached to the end of your line very simply, using the “link” provided and your hooklength / trace is tied on so that your chosen hookbait is in very close proximity to the swimfeeder.
River Feeder Rig
Inline Feeder Rig
We all know that fish find our baits attractive and want to eat them. Additives and flavours enhance our baits even more to stimulate fish into feeding. This is all well and good, but if we then throw this bait in by hand, how do we know where it ends up?
River Blockend Swimfeeder
Our bait may have drifted further down river than we expected taking the fish with it. Feeding by hand is always difficult at long range, accuracy and distance is always compromised. Swimfeeders provide by far the easiest and most effective way of feeding your swim. By casting the feeder to the same spot you can build up a “catching area”.
In that way you can choose where the fish will be drawn to. This is because your swimfeeder provides not only food for them to eat but also an inviting “cloud” of attractants. The fact that your hookbait is in close proximity to the feeder means the fish will have no difficulty in finding it! Your catch rate will improve as more and more fish are drawn to the swimfeeder.
Imagine fishing a large lake, pond or river, or for that matter a small stream. Merely casting a baited hook into the water will only attract one fish. To catch that one fish, you either have to land the bait on its nose (almost impossible) or wait for him to find it. This may take a while! This may take all day! In modern fishing terms and certainly in competition fishing this is just not good enough!
A swimfeeder will draw fish to your chosen area, probably more fish than you can catch. Swimfeeders will attract fish of all species and all sizes. Feeding fish will attract other fish that are naturally inquisitive. By casting your swimfeeder regularly you will be constantly replacing food that has been eaten and keeping the swim alive all day long.
Feeders Direct is an online shop selling top quality fishing products at sensible prices.
Their aim is to provide an easy guide to buying the products you want, with a safe, secure payment transaction, to make your online shopping experience a pleasurable one!
Nisa Feeders is a business born out of necessity, all NISA products have been designed and tested by anglers themselves, using knowledge and experience gained over many years to produce high quality tackle for every occasion. Find out how to rig the various types of feeder, most of the individual product pages have their own rig diagrams.
Tuition days are available, generally on a one to one basis, and can be tailored to your own requirements, concentrating on whatever methods you would like on various venues, depending on the time of year.
Methods such as Feeder Fishing, Pole Feeder, Pole Fishing, Stick Float and others can be covered to catch mainly Roach, Bream, Hybrids and Perch, with maybe the odd eel! Don't worry there's not many of them around nowadays!
Groundbait is included and a goody bag of items such as feeders and leads is supplied which will help you enjoy your day even more. A day ticket charge may be applicable.
Tuition days run Monday to Thursday throughout the season.
Visit and find out more about swimfeeders and tuition days.